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Frequently asked questions

Did you know that Sunshine Lavender Farm was the first farm of its kind in Waterbury, CT ? which we are proud of! Being a lavender farm is kind of like being the Pied Piper. Folks just follow that sweet scent!

Some of the questions asked of us in the early years of lavender farming in Waterbury are below, as well as answers to some commonly asked questions about the farm today.


What is Lavender

Lavandula (common name Lavender) is a genus of 39 species of flowering plants in the mint family, Lamiaceae. Many members of the genus are cultivated extensively in temperate climates as ornamental plants for garden and landscape use, for use as culinary herbs, and also commercially for the extraction of essential oils. The most widely cultivated species are Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandin.


What type of lavender do we grow?

There are many, many varieties of lavender and about a dozen that do well on our farm. We continue to try new ones. Some varieties include Grosso, Hidcote, Munstead, Provence, True blue , white wand and more.


How long does dried lavender last

Lavender can last from months to years! As long as you have lavender buds intact you will have fragrance. Just give your bunch or sachet a gentle pinch/squeeze to release more fragrance. The lavender fragrance will fade over time.


What does it mean to be a small sustainable farm?

Growing an amazing plant that meets demand at a profit with a focus on the environmental, social and economic bottom line is the short version of that story. On average, we care for about 2000 lavender plants, performing every step along the way with people power. We are good stewards of this land, growing lavender using natural practices. We invest in people, from our harvest crew to farm ambassadors, to the community as a whole. 


Can I purchase lavender plants at the farm?

Absolutely! we grow different varieties of lavender. it will be hard to pick which one you like the most.


Do you plant and sell other flowers and herbs?

Yes we do! at our small farm we have a selection of aromatic herbs such as rosemary, mint, oregano, basil, cilantro and much more. We also have flowers such as zinnias, dahlias and sunflowers to cut for arrangements.

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